5 Facts You Must Know About BBW Dating

BBW Hookup

You probably came across the term BBW at least a few times, especially if you’re frequently using internet dating websites. But, what does BBW really mean?

BBW is an abbreviation for Big Beautiful Woman. The term’s usage has spread over the years and many women proudly consider themselves Big and Beautiful and are in fact confident sexually, confident about their weight and their “plus size”.

As a result of this, many man have over the years openly acknowledged their fondness for regular, natural women like these. If you’re dating or want to date a plus size women, here are 5 facts you must know about BBW dating.

1. First thing you should realize is that it’s perfectly fine to be exactly who you are. Be relaxed and also, feel free to add humor to the mix. Plus size women are self confident, aware of who they are and what they look like and most have a great sense of humor about themselves.

You’ll never see a big woman fishing for compliments or getting offended by a harmless joke. They don’t take jokes personally, love when a man has a good sense of humor and love to laugh at themselves. So, feel free to joke around.

2. Bigger women have undergone a lot of social pressure, endured ridicule and neglect through their lives, so they are very down to earth, humble and great listeners. Don’t be afraid to talk to them openly about any subject, since they’re much more open and can have an intelligent conversation, unlike those pretty, petite women you have encountered all your life who are stuck in their own ego made bubble.

3. BBWs work much harder to keep their man than thin women. They are aware of how special you are to them and how special they are to you, so they are less likely to cheat on you or play childish mind games other women tend to play and they care a lot about partner’s emotions. You don’t have to worry about a bigger women mistreating you, because they haven’t been handed out anything through their lives and know very well how to appreciate their man and his emotions.

4. Plus size women have very pleasing personalities. Pretty women don’t often have endearing personalities, since they usually think the world of themselves and feel everything revolves around them. Bigger women mostly have fun and bubbly personalities and are much easier to deal with or date than other, conventionally better looking women.

5. Big Beautiful Women don’t get hit on nearly as often as better looking, slim women. Society has a very precisely defined paradigm of beauty. Of what being beautiful is, what women should look like and what kind of women men like.

Most men fall for this preconceived definition of beauty, so they look for and hit on women that are conventionally attractive. If you’re dating a bigger woman, you definitely don’t have to worry about someone stealing your girl from you.

Most men don’t consider big women attractive, for above reasons, so you can go anywhere without fear of having your girl hit on.